My AD9850 DDS project is finally complete. Another piece of test equipment that I built myself. Merry Christmas to me. Read more
Tag: AD9850
Signal Generator Assembly – Into the Home Stretch
So now the case is printed and all the parts are ready for assembly. What else do I need? Read more
NodeMCU Signal Generator – From Parts to Package
It was time to package my NodeMCU signal generator experiments into a finished product. Breadboard prototyping proved the concept. The software was written and working. Read more
NodeMCU Serial Passthrough for Remote Control
Using NodeMCU serial passthrough with a partner Arduino is a fast, simple and cheap way to overcome ESP-12E limitations.
Arduino AD9850 Rotary Encoder Commands
As described earlier, my signal generator is controlled by LCD Keypad buttons and a rotary encoder. The KY-040 rotary encoder is cheap and reliable. You can buy them on eBay for around a dollar each and you should always keep a few around.
Rotary encoders are used to send tuning pulses to an electronic device. Your car radio probably uses rotary encoders for changing volume and frequency. They work by sending pulses when turned. These pulses are on two channels (A and B) and are sent 90 degrees out of phase with each other.
Arduino AD9850 Control – Reading Button Commands
The main program loop for my Arduino AD9850 control program begins by checking for button commands from the LCD 1602 Keypad. Then it moves on to checking the status of the KY-040 optical encoder. The encoder outputs are translated to equivalent button commands, depending on the direction of turn and closing the push switch. After this, the program moves on to processing the button commands, which tell the signal generator what to do.
void loop() { int btn = BUTTON_NONE; /* * Get the Inputs. Priority given to LCD Keypad buttons. * Turning encoder produces BUTTON_UP or BUTTON_DOWN * Pressing encoder switch produces BUTTON_SELECT or BUTTON_SELECTLONG */ btn = ReadLCDBtn(); if (btn == BUTTON_NONE) { btn = CheckEncoderTurning(); } if (btn == BUTTON_NONE) { btn = CheckEncoderSwitch(); } /* Deal with Menu activities, if any */ btn = ProcessMenu(btn);
Arduino AD9850 Control Library
When you are writing an Arduino AD9850 library, you need to create two files. The first is a header file, shown immediately below. The header file describes a class, which is then implemented in the C++ file, shown below. The header file is included in your main Arduino program.
// AD9850B.h #ifndef _AD9850B_h #define _AD9850B_h #if defined(ARDUINO) && ARDUINO >= 100 #include "arduino.h" #else #include "WProgram.h" #endif #define DDS_CLOCK 125000000 #define FREQ_FACTOR 4294967296 typedef enum SweepState { ssOff, ssRunning, ssFinished }; class AD9850B { private: int lineCLOCK; int lineLOAD; int lineDATA; int lineRESET; unsigned long _frequency = 10000000; double _calfactor = 0; boolean _active = false; void PowerDown(); void Reset(); public: AD9850B(int gW_CLK, int gFQ_UD, int gDATA, int gRESET); void Init(); boolean GetActive(); void SetActive(boolean param); unsigned long GetFrequency(); void SetCalibration(long param); void SetFrequency(unsigned long param); }; extern AD9850B dds; #endif
Signal Generator Remote Control over USB Serial
Signal Generator Control Software for AD9850
Here is the signal generator control software to provide advanced control of the Arduino and AD9850 synthesizer module, as well as the KY-040 optical encoder.