Last year, the Canada Greener Homes government program offered grants and interest-free loans to reduce the amount of energy our homes use. I gave it a try. Read more
Category: Uncategorized
Manage Data Flow in SDR
So, here is how I manage data flow through my SDR recorder. It’s all about objects. Read more
Spring 2023 Challenges
Just a short note to apologize for and explain my recent absence from this blog.
My dear wife Hilda experienced a stroke earlier this spring. She is slowly recovering and we hope for the best. Her main challenge is aphasia effecting her speech. As you know, this is a frequent challenge after a stroke and one that we are working through.
Meanwhile, I have not been doing any blogging, or much of anything else really, as Hilda’s health is goal number one. I am still poking around with automated Morse Code translation a little bit, and making progress. When I resume blogging, I will write about that in detail. Hopefully, during May,
Health and family are very precious things. Think of us in your prayers.
SmartSDR Slice Master Automation for your Radio
Open source SmartSDR Slice Master 6000 provides a ton of new features and supports for your Flex transceiver. Check it out! Read more
Understanding Our Ham Radio Hobby
Our ham radio hobby can be wide and deep. Offering lots of opportunities for satisfaction and fun. And learning, too. Read more
3D Printing Start-up at VE6JF
Today I am starting a series of guest articles to describe adoption and 3D printing start-up by some of my ham friends. Read more
When to Dump Your Old PC
So, how do you decide when to dump your old PC? My answer is when you find yourself growing older while waiting for a response. Sigh. Read more
Celebrity Edge Experience Very Good
Staterooms and dining were a step up on our Celebrity Edge experience this fall. Read more
SDR Receiver Fundamental Mysteries
Consider the SDR receiver fundamental mysteries. Namely, how they are designed, work and perform. This series will do just that. Read more
Single Sideband Era – 100 Years Plus
We still enjoy the single sideband era for voice communication in amateur radio. And yes, when not properly tuned, it still can sound like Donald Duck. Read more